timeline splitting block

table of contents
  1. safety features aren't strong enough
    1. trivial fixes
  2. a more potent kind of block
    1. timeline divergence
    2. choosing timelines

safety features aren't strong enough

when i've visited social spaces in virtual reality , i am often harassed to an extreme degree because my "tranny faggot" voice outs me as a subhuman worthy of death , according to them . some of the insufficiencies i've noticed in current implementations of blocking , reporting , & votekicking are as follows :

trivial fixes

potential patches for some of the above issues :

a more potent kind of block

my experiences have motivated me to think of an entirely different way to implement blocking .

suppose you're in the oasis , & you decide to block someone named S because they're telling you to kill yourself . in this thought experiment , blocking simply hides their avatar & audio from you . after being blocked , they draw the message "kill yourself" on an empty whiteboard .

should the message be visible to you ?

if you can see it , then S has successfully worked around the blocking mechanism , even if it's to a lesser degree than before . they've still violated your boundary .

if you can't see it , then how would the oasis hide the message from you ? other people may still want to see S's influence on the world . this would require the world to be split into two separate states at once , which could be thought of as different timelines .

so , if you perform a timeline splitting block ( TSB ) on S , you will enter new timeline forked off from the current one . everybody else will remain in the original timeline , but they will be given the option to join you .

timeline divergence

a cross-timeline "overlay" could show people's avatars & audio from the original timeline on top of your fork , but this would only be useful temporarily . divergence between timelines over time would degrade cross-timeline communication about the world .

as time goes on , the pressure for people to pick a side in conflicts would increase . a TSB is intended as a last resort , because it removes most of the blocked person's ability to causally affect you , & possibly others .

sophisticated tools for merging timelines à la git could prevent people from losing changes when switching timelines .

choosing timelines

another question : how will people who were less involved in the conflict know which timeline to join ? they would need to ask around , if it mattered to them . people would have the ability to visit any timeline they're not blocked in , to assist inquiry . additionally , the menu could have a place to write your reason for a TSB , that would be shown in notifications , ior possibly a history log .