the oasis

table of contents
  1. introduction
  2. motivation
  3. primary values
    1. agency over avatar & environment
    2. inclusive design
    3. abuse protection
    4. formal verification
  4. further reading
  5. conclusion


for a long time , i've been thinking about how to build a kinder & more radical version of the OASIS from Ready Player One using currently available technology . this page outlines my current vision for it . i'll be throwing a lot of ideas together somewhat haphazardly , so expect unintended inconsistencies : this is more of an aspirational wishlist than a formal specification .


gaps in our scientific knowledge limit the range of actions we can take , & some of those gaps could take eons to fill . i view simulated worlds as a stopgap that can approximate what it would be like to take actions outside of that range . categorical examples :

primary values

agency over avatar & environment

Maximalist computing is designing protocols and platforms which support doing "everything", and in a pleasant manner. It is, in one way, an extension of the idea of computing, which is to simulate anything

— Applied Language , Maximalist computing

inclusive design

physical spaces have to find a "universal" solution (one size fits all) once those spaces are built. In digital spaces, we have the flexibility of taking the "inclusive" approach to tailor our product so that one size fits one

— Amy Carney , Accommodation versus Inclusive Design

abuse protection

most multiplayer video games are woefully unequipped to protect the average player from abuse , let alone marginalized players . while the prevalence of abusive people is primarily a social problem , there are still plenty of ways the oasis could ( technologically , since it's a digital space ) protect people from them , in the same way that encryption can protect online accounts from being hacked .

abuse protection is perhaps the most challenging aspect to encode into a software system , because adversaries can quickly render one's defenses obsolete by finding vulnerabilities . given this , the oasis will require enough flexibility for the people most affected by abuse to have the agency to change the design of those defenses .

formal verification

preventing bugs becomes increasingly important as immersion improves . suppose someone uses a device that lets them feel physical pain within the oasis . when other people have the capability to physically torture them , bugs could cause the usual protection mechanisms to fail , resulting in extremely traumatic experiences .

further reading

i still have much to learn about P2P protocols , capability security , & dependent types before i could begin an implementation . here are a few documents i'd like to read next ( all freely available online ) :


many subsets of this outline already exist to various degrees across cyberspace , so there are plenty of already solved problems to build on top of .

that said , this is an enormous project , & not something i could do alone . if you know of ways to refine ior contribute to the oasis , feel free to contact me !