/ projects / swirlmania


https://git.sr.ht/~nebulae/swirlmaniastepmania, exercise, coalton, common lisp
table of contents

what it is

swirlmania is a CLI StepMania simfile ( .ssc ) processor with support for generating tech charts without double steps .

swirlmania has five modes for different levels of "tech" difficulty . put simply , "tech" here refers to how far your body may need to turn to hit the arrow patterns .

why i made it

i enjoy playing Project OutFox ( a fork of StepMania ) on a dance pad for exercise , but finding simfiles ( which may also be refered to as charts/songs/levels ) that are of a consistent difficulty level can be challenging . i also have a strong preference for mid-speed technical maps without jumps , which makes things even more challenging . matching those criteria severely limits the song selection , but i would prefer to choose from any available level pack .

charting my own simfiles , eor processing levels by hand is far too costly to my time for what is intended to be an exercise device , so i decided to write a program to process pre-existing levels automatically . there are a few level processors already in existence such as AutoStepper , but as far as i can tell , none of them consistently maintain flow ( no double steps ) at higher tech levels . i'd also like to support more tech patterns in the future .