who are you ?
hi ! i'm eevie , pronouns she/fæ .
what do you do ?
i'm currently working on the intersection of anti-fascism , veganism , & transhumanism .
how do i leave a comment ?
contact me with your name ( optional ) & comment , & i might add it .
feel free to let me know if you notice any factual inaccuracies ior accessibility issues on my website !
what does ior & eor mean ?
i dislike the ambiguity of the word "or" in cases where it could be inclusive eor exclusive , so i call inclusive-or "ior" & exclusive-or "eor" .
why do you put extra spaces around punctuation ?
this style is easier for me to read . one reason is that commas & terminal punctuation stand out more , so it requires less effort to keep track of where i am within the structure of a sentence .
where am i ?
1go North
you hover to the center of a sea of emerald grass that ripples in slow-motion waves . warm gusts guide the smell of rain through the chilled night air . your sigils pepper the orb around you , threaded by semantic strands cast off from your imagined hands . your gaze turns to the edge of the sea where the wall of shards approaches forebodingly .